Front of house.

(…or what we do)


Go beyond the multiplex and against the critics by joining us in the weird, the wonderful, and the woeful world of cinema.

Based in Ballarat, Terribly Good Cinema runs a series of pop-up events celebrating the terribly good and wonderfully bad movies that we love to watch over again. 

Our screenings bring the cosy and casual-feel of watching a movie on the couch with friends into an immersive space, where we can join together in our love for off-kilter cinema. 

Events will encourage dress-ups, immersion, interaction between the audience and the film, along with competitions and giveaways.

To be kept in the loop with our upcoming screenings, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or sign up to our mailing list below.


“I love that experience of seeing a bad movie, or a movie that you don’t even know, and then experiencing it with your friend.”

— Paul Scheer